Trying to get caught up from going on vacation. It's been over a week since the 25th, so this is going to be a pretty short post; basically just our songs from the morning.
It was a good morning. The team did great. The songs fit really well, especially the closing song. Our pastor brought us a message on healing from Acts 9.32-42. It was a tough message for some and I know the closing song was tough as well, but I feel that is was the perfect song to end the service with. I pray that people were blessed and ultimately that God was honored this morning.
Week #164 of Sunday Setlists. Here is our setlist for Sunday, September 11th.
- 'Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus - Leaning on the Everlasting Arms - You Are God Alone by Billy Foote - Stronger by Hillsong
It was a great morning of worship. One of my volunteers did a great job of selecting songs that fit well together and with the message. It's been great having some of my volunteers step up and take the lead on some Sundays. Today I got to just be a part of the team and play bass. Been a while since I've gotten to do that and it was a nice change.
We also remember this day 10 years ago, September 11, 2001. As I'm sure like most of you the knowledge of this day brings back many mixed emotions. A lot of you remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you found out about what had happened in New York City, then in Washington D.C. and in Pennsylvania; I know I do. For one, it is my mom's birthday. It was my senior year in high school, and I was in our music wing in a practice room preparing for college music auditions. At one point in practicing a piece, I had a question for my band director. I walked out of the practice room and down to his office only to find the office empty. His office is connected to our band room so I figured he was in there. When I walked through the door I saw him, other music teachers and fellow students crowded around the two TVs in the room with their gazes fixed on the images of the towers engulfed in flames and smoke. I don't know if I ever got my question answered, I don't even remember what it was now. The rest of that day was filled with our regular schedule of classes, but no lessons were taught. It was a school day where no one could take their eyes off the TVs. It was a day I saw a high school, faculty and students, come together and comfort one another. It was a day none of us will ever forget. We remember and honor all those that lost their lives that day, their families that were left behind, all the first responders that on that day, and every day, put their lives on the line for us, and ultimately for the men and women in the armed services that have fought and died and those that continue to fight for our freedoms in this country. THANK YOU!
It was a great morning of worship. The team did great with the songs and everything fit well with the message and our time of communion towards the end of the service.
This past week, my wife and I also had the chance to take a short trip to Colorado. While we were there we had the church to attend New Life Church's Friday night service for college and 20-somethings, theMILL. It was a great service. It was really nice to attend a service and be led in worship. Actually, it made me want to get back to my church and lead worship that much more. It was a fantastic service to attend as it was their pastors last service before he leaves to plant a new church. What was so great is that we witnessed a church love on their pastor who had served faithfully for 11 years. It truly was a blessing to be a part of that night.