
"Worship is man's full reason for existence. Worship is why we are born and why we are born again." A.W. Tozer

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Books Read: January - June 2010

In light of my post about books read at the end of 2009, I knew I wanted to do it at the end of this year as well. However, I've been reading a lot this year, so I thought instead of having a post a mile long at the end of the year, I figured I would break it up into the books I've read the first six months of 2010. So here we go:

How to Reach Your Full Potential for God by Charles Stanley
The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey
Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller
Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper
The Gospel According to LOST by Chris Seay
Sex, Lies & Religion by Randy Elrod
Branding Faith by Phil Cooke
Called to Worship by Vernon Whaley
Imagine That by Manuel Luz
Compassionate Leadership by Ted Engstrom & Paul Cedar
Plan B by Pete Wilson
66 Love Letters by Larry Crabb
10 Passions of a Man's Soul by Mark Elfstrand
Blessed Be Your Name by Matt & Beth Redman
Jesus Manifesto by Leonard Sweet & Frank Viola
Great Leader Great Teacher by Gary Bredfeldt
A Man's Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines by Patrick Morley
Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin

There you have it! It's been a blast to get back into reading. Right now, I'm kind of picking up whatever I can get my hands on. I've also had the privilege of being able to review books for a few companies and that has been a great experience. Special thanks to BookSneeze/Thomas Nelson, Regal Books/Gospel Light, and Moody Publishers. I look forward to adding to this list at the end of the year as I've got quite the stack of a lot of great books waiting to be read.

Anyone have any recommendations of good books to read in the future?

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